Textel Make Wireless Fire Detection & Alarm System is one of the vital components of Life Safety Management Systems. Textel_"Alert" the IP enabled Wireless Fire Alarm accessories are manufactured in India under "Make in india"initiative and complied as per NFPA [National Fire Protection Association],NBC[ National Building Code] guidelines as required and also complied with MHA notification 2012(installation of wireless addressable fire detection and alarm systems can be used for the protection of the Building and Industries), &Textel-"Alert" with accessories are approved by STQC, Government of India.

For both business and leisure, wireless technology is now common worldwide, due to latest advanced developments in wireless broadcasting and communication technology, most people use wireless devices without a second thought. In most of the fire incident reports it concludes with electrical short circuits due to huge number of cables laid in buildings, where Wireless technology eliminates the requirements of cables.

Advantages of Wireless Fire Detection & Alarm Systems

  • Provides all the advantages of hard-wired systems at a fraction of the total cost
  • No wires to install, thus less disruption to any new or existing premises.
  • Easy to install by reducing time for installation, commissioning and future maintenance.
  • Instant Information and real-time monitoring of alarms and reporting via existing network LAN/WAN, OFC, PSTN, GSM, e-mail etc.
  • Zero interference with any other equipment or any other Wi-Fi networks being installed.
  • High performance and stable wireless Anti-jamming technology & Zero Maintenance.
  • Since no physical wiring is involved in any manner, hence no chances of surge absorption during heavy lighting and damaging the costly and sensitive equipments
Fire Alarm System for Home

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